so yesterday i was a little bummed over the fact that i had gone to the air show and forgotten my camera, therefore missing all kinds of great photo opps of air-acrobatics. and then comes along my precious friend paulette, maker of lemonade out of lemons, and sweetly suggests that i create a little doodle out of that red bi-plane doing the loop-de-loop-thing-in-the-shape-of-a-heart i was telling you about.....and i thought what a great idea!!! so, here's the way it's been recorded in the memory card of my mind.....and when you've got a red colored pencil, a white gel pen, a chalk pencil, and your favorite pair of magnifiers, who needs a camera? :)
thanks bunches, paulette!!
Oh, Lori, I guarantee that even if you HAD remembered your camera, you would have been disappointed in the pix. I went to an air show this summer, and the planes moved so fast that my camera didn't "see" much at all.
And it would be impossible to capture the maneuvers they do. Just enjoy the memories. :)
I've been there before, forgetting the camera. Real bummer! Sorry you had to go through that.
However, your friend had a wonderful idea! It is fabulously cute! I love it! Besides, Shiborigirl's experience makes everything ok.
Sorry, Shiborigirl, for your diappointment. No fun :(.
I LOVE your art!!!
This is WAAAAY better than some ordinary pics ;)
See...you weren't suppose to bring that camera anyway or you would have never created this wonderful piece!!!
It's perfect!! :)
sometimes the memory creates something even more memorable!!
it is great iloved ur post again
i like that... make lemonade out of lemons :-)
so very cute - i love your little illustration!
You don't need a camera! This is amazing! Love it...hearts.
That is the cutest artwork!! Great job!!
Ahhhh! The artistic expression of the mind beats any camera anytime!
Nicely said and drawn! Love it as always.
What a wonderful follow up to yesterday's post. I love a happy ending.
Hi Sweetie! You know Lori...NO photograph would have been better than this!!! =D Your drawing is perfectly ADORABLE, and your little saying...the cutest! Oh gosh, I just love that little, hearted, red plane!...AND Miss Lori, you totally make me blush... I just love, love, LOVE your doodles!!! <3
A Big Hug, Paulette ;)
Wow - what a great idea! Certainly a bright spot!!
Boy don't you hate it when you see something wonderful and are cameraless.. Makes me crazy.. However what you made just was the cutest thing ever. Much more fun than a real plane any day of the week.
Friends who really pay attention are the best. And it looks like you took Paulette's suggestion to the skies!
Love, love the heart air trail. So much better than a picture. Your creativity is so wonderful and your playful spirit peeks through each one.
Love it, Lori. Beautiful :) the air show sounds like so much fun! Hope you've been well darling!
serendipitous and wonderful. Sandi
terrific!! this needs to be a greeting card or a motivational poster - i'm glad you forgot your camera so this could be born!
Brilliant! Everyone should have a Paulette in their life for times of 'bummed-ness'
've been there before, forgetting the camera. Real bummer! Sorry you had to go through that. Work from home India
wow wow
wow wow
wow wow
wow wow
wow wow
wow wow
This is great! The blue background makes it all the more striking.
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