i've been a little inspiration-challenged lately.....not quite sure what i want to do, or which direction i want to go in. so i decided to take a look in my overflowing box of partially-finished-projects, and this is what i found: a piece of curtain lining stamped with hand-carved flower and leaf stamps, and then decorated with a piece of rick-rack and some embroidery floss.

even though this was created several months ago, i'm reminded how much i truly enjoy working on projects like these. it's simple, it's colorful, it's cute, it uses lots of different techniques......and it makes me really happy!
if you're looking for some inspiration today, take a look into your creative past.....you might just find some artistic treasure that you've forgotten about!
Oh Lori, this is very pretty. I love how you attached the rickcrack for the stem. Very pretty indeed.
It's beautiful ! Have a lovely week full of inspiration....
...oh so Lori-like-adorable!!!! Love it!!!
thank you thank you
i am having a MAJOR road block going on in my brain right now. i need to make some new stuff for my store and i'm at a loss as to what to do.... so i keep doing what's *safe* and restocking inventory or remaking a current item with a new twist. i feel the need to blow the roof off with my creativity but i just can't get started.
putt putt putt putt goes my little brain.
i like your idea of doing something different from my pile of unfinished things (lordy knows i have tons of that!) just to give my brain a jump start. then maybe my putt putts will turn into vroooom vrooommmmms!
thanks lori for the inspiration! and your little flower is so cute. i have this *thing* for flowers.
love the new elvie background!!
This is a very lovely piece, and it makes ME happy too. We must be on the same frequency since I just dug-up some old projects to finish over the weekend.
very cute...:)
i have committed myself for next months to use what i have before buying anything new. this is certainly a great way to accomplish it. thanks for the inspiration. happy happy flower.
puts me in the mood for spring! i love it!
lori, you are just too cute and sweet for words. I will do just what you've suggested! Thanks! ~Kathy
I don't know why it comes as such a surprise to me when I don't feel like being creative. It happens infrequently but regularly. And then my creative friends always say "that's normal". So, may it be a comfort to know that you are just having a "normal" phase and it will be over soon and you'll be back to being extrodinary :)!
Lori...What good and sound advice! This little flower is just precious, and it shows off another one of your many wonderful talents!... I remember watching your video where you showed us how to carve a stamp. I loved it, and watched it again and again. I wish I could do one, and then use it to create something as lovely as this little flower...wishful thinking on my part! Mine would never have that special "Lori something", that makes yours so darn cute! Hugs, Paulette xoxo
This project of yours reminds me of some unfinished crossstitch canvasses I did many years ago. Some I finished, others were left and I pulled out a few years ago and finished. I was really experimenting back then trying to find something I enjoyed. With my aging eyes now these projects get more and more difficult...Love the flower by the way.
Patricia :-)
Ooooo La La.... too cute!
I love the colour and freshness of this! I've been sorting through my fabrics and finding inspiration there today.
this is so lovely! and you cant help but think of spring when looking at it, its fabulous!
Funny thing but I did just that since I needed to get two small projects done. Nothing I saw in magazines or in the blog world kick started the brain. BUT I ended up with loads of inspiration when I thought of something that I had done years ago. I'm on a roll now.
I love the simplicity of your flower - and the colours.
That's really sweet. Simple but very effective. What are you going to make it into?
very nice work and good inspiration :o)
Ohhh, this is so lovely! Truly adorable. You could make a tutorial for a floral garden ;) I bet we'd all love that.
beautiful!!! I shall indeed go searching through my stash and get stitching...
What a wonderful creation.. I think it is just the best.. WOW for you.. You should do that more often. I have put embrodery on my list of things to discover (if I can do) haha for 2010.. What a fab job you did..
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