Saturday, February 20, 2010

live life creative.....
laugh.....laugh some more.....
love.....count your blessings.....
draw, paint and sew......
call a friend.....share a hug.....
have happy.....

live life to the fullest!

click on image for larger view


Mary said...


SparkleFarkel said...

I'll DO IT! Thanks for the reminder!

Stef H said...

oh i'm livin' the high life!!! super card.

Pat said...

I wish I had me a scooter like that!!!

Jancalligrapher said...

Hi, that card is SO cute. Trying to live life to the fullest over here. Have a great day, Lori! <3

Debbie said...

Wonderful card & a great message!

Sandi said...

absolutely delightful, thanks, Hugs

Anonymous said...

yes,,,,i agree fully....with every thought, every word!

a blissful end to the week for you!


Shirley said...

Tha card fits so well with what I keep getting told. You take every day you are given and do what you want to do that day. It makes for a healthier life. Take care,

LR said...

now more than ever. have a great weekend.

Mirka said...

Thank you, Lori! It's goof to remind this to everyone. Sometimes people forget they can actually fulfill their dreams :)

Cat said...

OH YES! Wonderful sentiments!

Patty S said...

thanks lori! great card! :-)

Sara said...

They make the most wonderful cards!! This is one I have never seen before. A fabulous message as usual :)

rachel awes said...

love this card!/i'm with you, lori!

Renee Troy said...

Love that...needed that...gonna do that!
Thanks for that!

patricia e said...

Thanks for passing on these joyful sentiments ~ Live Love and Laugh ~ each day is a gift ~ and if you are the tiniest bit creative fit some of that in your day as well!!!!!

Lisa Holtzman said...

I LOVE her cards! Great message, thanks for sharing Lori.

Wyanne Thompson said...

I so needed that this morning! Thank you! Now off to paint!

Veggiemuse said... important to remember. Life is so short.

Very cute card!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love this card and message! It's how I try to live my the fullest! Enjoy your weekend! ♥

Tara said...

I so love that!!!! Too cute!

shiborigirl said...

Hi Lori,

What a GREAT message. One I can definitely use these days.

I've been so preoccupied of late, that I haven't tripped my way around to my favorite bloggy spots in forever. I'm sorry to have missed your 400 post celebration. Congrats! I bet you didn't know you had so much to say when you started, right? :D



Sue K said...

As usual you have something wonderful posted here. Words to live by!! Thanks Lori

Staci Danford said...

OK... I think that is just the cutest thing I have ever seen.. Darling..

Lancerika said...

awesome little card and
uplifting message :))

michelle allen said...

i love this!

Beedeebabee said...

Amen, Sweetie Pie!

Paulette ;)

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