have you ever wondered who the craft police are? or better yet, where they are? i was thinking about this, and it occurred to me that if craft police are out there, then there must be lots of craft crimes going on......petty crimes......like not washing out your paintbrushes when you're finished doing some creative work in your journal......or using brads when you should've used eyelets......or maybe you've tested out markers on the craft store shelves because they don't have the sense to put test paper out.....or maybe you're like my friend sonny "inky-fingers" calzoni who doesn't take the time to clean off his rubber stamps after he uses them......
oh, yes, i must admit that i'm guilty of more than one of these craft crimes. but i'm not going to tell you which ones....after all, you never know when the craft police may be watching.....
journal page finished using micron pens and a 4B pencil
for larger view, click on image
I love this! I must say I'd be guilty of many craft crimes as well..
i thought not cleaning craft supplies would help the economy, a 'stimulus' for the supply side, nearly?
thanks for making me laugh and feel so much better about my occasional fauz pas!
Uh oh. If this is a crime, you better lock me up! Hilarious post Lori! :-)
so much fun! thank you for making me smile:) xoxo, juliette
Oh, the worst is not washing out the paintbrushes! : )
Thanks for the laugh!!!
How about not putting the cap on your glue stick, or forgetting to put your craft apron on and getting paint on your new shirt, or dipping your paint brush in your cup of tea instead of your jar of water? Not me...no, not me!!! LOL!! Thanks for the giggles, Lori!!
You're so funny, lori! I left my glue stick uncapped overnight...and lost my other one. oops.
dare it admit i'm guilty of all the above? :-)
How cute and clever to have created your own character. It looks like you've been having a lot of fun with your sketching.
This is hilarious! You could make a whole series of wanted posters. I am completely guilty of crafty crimes...they should lock me up and throw away the key.
You are too funny! Cute doodle. Thanks for the sweet comments you left me. Glad you liked my quirky. It was fun.
This is such a clever post and so funny. I love your poster drawing. Yes, I too am guilty! Happy creating...
Lori, how do you think of such funny and clever things? You make me laugh. This is so cute. I do hope the craft police doesn't have me under surveillance because I am sure a bust is imminent.
See you Friday?
Hi Sweetie! This is so funny...and of course so cute! I know I'm guilty of some crafty crimes too!...Hey lots and lots of people try out markers on the craft store shelves!...How dare we, I mean they! hee hee hee! xoxo Paulette ;)
OH no- I am the "never clean her brushes girl" BAD, really bad- like the water turns to sludge.
Cute post :)
Love it! But now I feel guilty about the brush sitting in the water cup since last night...uh oh...
Hahahahaaa, that's hilarious! I love your little friend :)
These crimes are so sympathic to me! I love these crafty criminals - have paint all over my outfit myself :)
lol!!! too cute, Lori!!
I love this. I'm laughing just thinking of the craft police and all they would catch me doing.
so clever & hilarious!!
haha. simply hilarious, lori! I must confess..i always clean my paint brushes, but i rarely clean my paint tray. if i wait until the next day...the acrylics will just peel right off of the plastic. much easier to clean up this way :)
Lori, you are SO cute! I love this drawing and your sense of humor! Thanks for the giggle. Have a great weekend.
so cute and so true!! i've been wearing garlic to ward off the craft police. my art room is a disaster. but, a happy one!! thanks for the smile!!
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