isn't it frustrating when you've got an idea for a project, you get out the supplies that you need, and then you realize that you don't have that "perfect" piece of fabric in your stash? how can that be possible that there's not one piece of fabric in these piles that will work? all i need is a little snippet......and it's not in there. believe me, i've pawed through this over and over again, hoping that it would jump out at me......and it hasn't. so, i'm off to hunt at the fabric store this morning in the hopes that the perfect piece of fabric is in their stash......and it looks like i'd better get some bigger bins while i'm at it!
Oh, stop over here and go through my stash, lori!!! Maybe it'll motivate me to sort it neatly...
Isn't that always how it is? That just means you need to go get more supplies... Happy hunting!! Love, Silke
It seems impossible, but it happens to me too! Have fun!
you'll find it. have fun hunting.
I am the same. I have very little fabrics. I tend to buy, use it up, and then I don't stock up. I am never ready for a new project :) I always have to plan it way ahead. Good luck with the fabric hunting!
Isn't that the way it goes?? I need some bins to sort my fabrics into too. They are a jumbled mess right now! Good luck finding that "perfect" piece of fabric...it will jump out at you when you find it, I'm sure. Then you'll have to show us what you are making!! Happy Weekend!
Wow, too bad we are not neighbors, I have so much fabric I could open a small store. Know what you mean about just the right piece, hope you find it today.
I tend to work the other way around... when i'm blocked i pull out 3 or 4 random paint colors.. don't even look at what i'm chooosing and find a way to make them work...
If you ever need something, I'm sure my stash could accomodate you. Feel free to let me know. I've got snippets, scraps and tons of fat quarters.
Can't wait to see what you're making
I know just what you mean. I must have wasted hours just looking for things for a project!
I have similar episodes with my bead stash - that's why I have so many. Good luck finding that perfect piece.
Sorry I haven't been by in so long - had my nose stuck in some clay the last couple of weeks. :)
In my eyes, you're ahead of the game! At least you know where your stash is! I need to do a major revamp of my art/craft area!!! Can't find a thing anymore (and not because it's not there)!
good luck in your search
i hope you found the fabric you needed or happened upon something new that became the perfect fit :)
have a fabulous weekend!
Did you find it??
Whatcha gonna do with it?????
Can't wait to see!!
a hunting i ended
a great result!
I understand completely! I'm the same way only with paper! I hope you had fun shopping!
ms lori
i hope you found your snippit
and several others to keep him company.
can.t wait to see what the PERFECT project was that he was waiting so patiently at the fabric store for....
what else did you buy? because you aren.t going to try to tell me you walked out of there with a few new bins and 1 corner of fabric from the remnant bin...
Oh my goodness! I know exactly what you mean.
I am playing with fabric for some projects and it has to just feel right...even if that means a trip to the store!
That has happened to me SO MANY TIMES!! Well, I hope you found your perfect piece and you got some more for JIC (just in case) :D
I know what you mean, but mine is always embroidery thread. I know I have the color I need in my stash and i go through it all only to find I don't. When I go shopping, I never come home with just what I need, but always something else. I will be looking forward to see your project. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Good luck with your hunting - I hope you find that perfect piece of fabric.
it's so gorgeous
Sweetie Pie, since I'm catching up backwards, I already know you did find THE perfect fabric for your adorable project. Couldn't get any more perfect in fact...and neither could your finished project! xoxo Paulette
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