Monday, November 8, 2010

inspiration monday

okay, so technically martha's birthday isn't until tomorrow......but when you have a dear friend who inspires you as much as martha inspires me, that's worth getting the party started a little early, don't you think?!!!
 most of you already know martha as an extremely talented and accomplished artist, but did you know that she's also an absolutely gorgeous child of God, has a heart the size of texas, is a fabulous listener, will cheer you on like there's no tomorrow,  will tickle your funny bone with her witty sense of humor, is an absolute blast to go to calligraphy workshops with,  and can draw and paint like one of the masters (i know that falls into the "extremely talented and accomplished artist" category, but there are some things that could never be stressed enough!)?!!  

martha, your friendship is such a sweet, precious blessing,
and i celebrate you not only today, but every day!!
much love and happiness to you always, birthday girl!!!

want to wish martha an early birthday?! click here!
artwork finished using micron pens, watercolor pencils, handcarved thumbud stamp, 4B pencil


Sandi said...

oh yes I want to start the party early - Martha have a very Happy Birthday, looks like it might be off to a great start. Lori what a friend you are, with your own wonderful accolades, thanks for sharing. Sandi

Sara said...

aww! a happy birthday to Martha! and she lucky to have a sweet friend like you :)

nacherluver said...

How sweet of you! Went over, wished her a happy birthday and had so much fun enjoying her art, I am now a follower. Thanks!

Martha Lever said...

Oh Lori, as you know I did need some cheer today and I have actually read this about 7 times so far and I tear up every time. Thank you , my dear, sweet forever friend. You MORE than made my day!!! Love you!

LuckyDog said...

Oh boy, it's Inspiration Monday!!!
And you two are SO blessed and
lucky to have each other!!!
Have fun celebrating together!

Anonymous said...

yes, I fully agree...our friends and dear friendships should be celebrated each and every day!

how precious!

ciao bella!


Eden said...

Wow!! Not only is that ONE COOL CARD, but this post is gonna make someone very happy!! Off to wish Martha a Happy Birthday too :D

Jancalligrapher said...

Such a sweet sentiment, Lori, you are just the bestest friend!

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Ahhh you are a good friend to do this for Martha....she is very talented and I love her blog too.
I will go wish her a good one!!!

Tara said...

how sweet you are!

Createology said...

Lori you are so sweet to start the celebration for this talented artist we all love. Happy Birthday Martha...

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

Oh! Thank you for telling me, lori!♥ I LOVE your Thumb buds decking out the cake!!!! Cuter than cute!

aimee said...

i'm late to the game, which means for once - I'm on time! this is an adorable card, and I finally figured out the element that makes your lettering go pop - you are a master of the shadow! I don't know how you do it, but I just love the subtle shadows behind your script letters. They make your lettering take on a 3D look!

Alisa said...

Lovely cake and lucky Martha to have you as a friend!

Beedeebabee said...

Oh Lori, what a beautiful birthday wish for sweet Martha! I'm sure this has totally touched her heart and she will cherish your adorable card forever! ... See is very blessed to you in her life. xoxo's Paulette

Jane Farr said...

A fantastic birthday wish for a fabulous girl! Off to wish Martha a belated happy birthday!

Renee Troy said...

You are such a good friend! I loved what you created for Martha...
Your work is ever so fun, creative and inspiring.

Have a wonderful day!

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