Friday, July 8, 2011

i heart friday

of all the days of the week, friday is my favorite.  
 i really absolutely positively adore it.

friday is the time to give yourself a round of applause for successfully getting yourself through monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. it's a day to celebrate......put all your domestic duties and humdrum chores on hold!  for example, no cooking on friday.....unless opening a new bag of chocolate chips counts as being culinary.  :))

but i think one of the best things about friday is that it's the start of the weekend!
and if you work it just right, you can find lots of time to play with all your art stuff......
and maybe finish off that bag of chocolate chips!  woo hoo!

happy friday to you, sweet bloggy friends!

{art stamps available in my shop here!}


Claire M said...

Hugs and chocolate to you too on this Friday!!

Jancalligrapher said...

I heart your blog, Lori, happy weekend to you!

Dolores said...

While I do like Fridays, for some reason I have found that my body knows it's Friday too. In the evenings, watching TV I find myself nodding off - early.
Have a wonderful creative weekend.

Unknown said...

Have a good weekend, Lori, and remember, Belgian chocolate is THE best!!!! (but I guess you know that) Love, Isa

Unknown said...

Great post!!! Cheers to you as well!

Jane Farr said...

lol!! You knew I wouldn't be able to resist this. Although I have little umbrellas and pretty stemware, the chips go straight from the bag into my mouth. (and the 2lb bag of peanut M&Ms I got for my bday are long gone too...)

Jeanette said...

Thanks for the new way to see Fridays and the super-cute chips and umbrella photo. Made me smile. I love the "no-cook" Friday - perhaps I'll start my tradition tonight.
Happy Weekend. Happy Creating!

Eden said...

Your so cute!! I love this!! By Friday I deserve a chocolate chip or two :D

Pretty Things said...

What an awesome post!

Jennifer DeDonato said...

Super cute heart! I can't quite decide what day of the week I like best...but I do know I like chocolate chips on each day!

fran pascazio said...

I'm not sure what my favorite day is....although I do subscribe to "no cook Fridays"....I do, however, know what my least favorite day is ---MONDAY!!! This was a great post. . .

mama bleu said...

What a wonderful post. I love Fridays too. It's the day I meet my MIL for coffee. Last night we went to dinner with my DIL's parent who are in town from NY because a new grandbaby was born 2 weeks ago. It was a time of celebration for us.

Anonymous said...

Love your post! I am just smiling.. thank you!

Pretty Things said...

I know I commented before but I just want to say that I wish, soo soo much, that I had your talent.

Andria said...

Great post, Lori. I am definitely going to have to get in on this "no cook Friday" think...sounds delightful!

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