Thursday, August 1, 2013

there's no place like it

i really love being up in the mountains,
but there truly is no better feeling than coming home!

happy, creative weekend to you!!  xox


Kelly Warren said...

me too! i live and breathe by the beach. soothes my soul.

Michelle Gregory said...

i love living in the mountains, surrounded by douglas fir trees, but i also love, love, love the beach.

Beedeebabee said...

Wherever you call home is always where you're most comfy! Love your pictures, Lori! xo :)

ellie said...

i need some ocean therapy right about now. hm...maybe i need a little day trip. thanks for sharing.

wv said...

wow, what bright pictures!

it all makes my day!


Createology said...

Now that I live in the mountains I cannot believe how much I miss the beach which I used to live very close to. Then there was Santa Barbara where I lived for a short while...perfection. The beach and the mountains just minutes apart. Enjoy both your worlds dear...

Jessie May said...

Those views look perfect! Oh to be in Florida again...

Unknown said...

some beautiful images!

angela said...

How blessed you are to have access to the beach and the mountains! Those are really nice pictures :)

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