Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. Joseph Cardinal Suenens

i don't know how or when it happens, but it seems like one day i'm rolling along just fine balancing the house, the etsy shop, the blog, the errands, the studio work, the appointments, the life-in-general-stuff...and then just like that, something will happen to throw everything out of balance and it takes me forever to catch up! so, this morning i made my list of priorities, and decided that the house needed my attention first (the dust bunnies were starting to carry their picket signs again in protest for better conditions). and, actually, i really don't mind cleaning the house or the wonderful sense of satisfaction when i'm done...and the big smile on my dutch boy's face when he notices i spruced the place up a bit certainly makes it all worthwhile! but, i must confess that i'm dreaming of a day when it won't be so obvious that i cleaned....or, that the house won't get so bad that i have to pretend that i'm not home so that the health department van that keeps circling the block will go away. yes, a clean house and life back in balance...now, that's a happy dream!
That was so cutely written! I can so relate. House cleaning is not exactly anyone's favorite activity and is probably the one activity that needs to be done the most!
I truly, truly sympathize with you!
I know how you feel! I keep hoping no one will see my studio!
Love the book! Love that quote.
I hear ya about cleaning the house- it is the last in a long list of things to do for me!
it is the cleanest house east of the mississippi
funny lady! but, yes, i know what you mean. i try to keep most of the house picked up so it looks orderly if not always completely clean. but, my art room is usually just a disaster. so what do i do? keep the door closed,of course.
i have a very strong feeling that this journal will sell very soon. it is is delightful!! hee hee
Believe it or not, my studio is in utter disarray with bits of cut paper on the floor, a camera tripod I keep tripping over (that I haven't put away), an empty coffee mug on a stool, a pile of paperwork I keep moving around and a craft table that's *completely* covered. Exhibits around the corner.
Please don't think I'm June Cleaver wearing a pearl necklace and a rainbow coming out of my nose. My husband is right. Give it less than 3, no 2 days and my studio will be in chaos again (he's my bestfriend so he knows me). Lori, there's no such thing as "balance" or time management. It's energy management. You can only do so much! One thing that helped me is to stop doing the things that drain me (this was huge...includes people too). You are still loved if you have dust bunnies :) AND if we lived near each other, I'd so come over to help you organize (remember I'm neurotic that way). Hugs!
Love the quote.
This so reminds me of me ;o) You should see my place right now!
Loved this blog and your book is SO cute. I have read many quotes about Dreams for my dream journals but never this one. It is a great one.
very cute little book! I love the quote. i've long given in to the dust bunnies in my house. i sweep, and they are back in 15 minutes. it's a never ending battle!
Gorgeous book!
Your picketing dust bunnies gave me a giggle. I'm still trying to convince myself that I won't mind cleaning once I live in a house bigger than a singlewide mobile home--because then there will be places for everything to GO.... but it's probably just an excuse. ;)
that could just be my new favorite quote! I love your books so much Lori...they just make me happy!!!
I am so with ya on that dream! I feel like I'm in a spiral of catching up lately and all I seem to do is fall more and more behind!? oh brother...at least we're in it together;)
Happy Mother's Day weekend to you!
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