i've been making blank journals for several years now, and as much as i love to create the journals, for some reason i have a mental block when it comes to creating in the journals.
i've been so inspired by many of you who are so good about filling your journals with creative play....and i've been thinking that it's time to jump on the bandwagon. so....i finally took one of the many blank journals that i've had forever and made some marks on the first page. it's not fine art. mainly, because i've discovered that i'm not a "fine artist".....i'm a "fun artist". and i've also discovered that a little watercolor pencil, micron pen, doodle art, and ice cream sandwiches make for journal page happiness!
I LOVE this!!! You are a fun artist! The kind I like the very best!!! Keep up the great work.
good for you, lori!! i love your style of art; it makes me smile and lifts my spirits! hope to see many more uplifting nuggets of joy in your journal!
I love reading your posts :). And I love that you post! You are so faithful and each post is so enjoyable. Fine artists eat your heart out! Fun art is the best!! (And thanks for the encouragement to grab one of my many blank journals and do something. I guess I'll have to sew in it, though, since drawing and the like is not my forte. So glad it's yours :). )
This is so adorable, Lori!! And yes, we do need one of those machines ---we'll have to wait to win the lottery though!!! See ya Friday!!!
ummmmm...not a fine artist???
what?! you are an AMAZING artist. with a heart of gold. and i love you bunches. :D
Well, I can't say that I am an "artist" of any sort, but you, my dear, have inspired me to pick up my crotcheting again.
I finished my grandson's slippers however akward they might look! Checko out my blog to get a peek. I don't think the pics came out the greatest but I think that's because the slippers are brown.
You are definitely a "fun" artist and you are absolutely inspiring to us all...:)
Oh Lori, you're so lovable. Do you know what? My biggest fear is not death. For me it is dying & then people finding out that I bought hundreds of pretty journals...all blank inside!
p.s. you are a talented artist
Your journal entry is beautiful...it's an extension of you and your good nature! It has to be a true representation of who you are otherwise somewhere in the far off future how will your heirs know all about you!!!
I know you are proud of yourself! Good job! Cute entry.
Yeah for you, Lori! I have 2 Elvie Studio journals laying in wait for some paint and doodles.
I agree with Gina, I don't want to leave this earth with them blank and have loved ones wondering "What was she thinking!"
You inspire me Lori! One of my road blocks is that I feel like everything I do creatively has to be perfect, so I'm sometimes paralyzed and can't start, when what I really need to do is just play and have more fun!
Oh, I love all that too. I too love journals. I buy them for myself all the time, but then don't always want to mess them up by writing in them. Isn't that crzy?
I agree with Sara, you ARE a fun artist!
Love it! But, I think your blog is your "journal" and you fill it fantastically! You are really good at filling the blog pages and we all appreciate that! Keep up the fine, fun art that you do so well!
Oh what a sweet style you have. I hope you didn't get ice cream on the page. I guess you now know what a writer goes through when facing the 'blank page.'
i love your creativity....brightens my day!!!
You are a fine fun artist!
You are creative inside and out! Love the whimsicle artwork ~
"life stuff"---love the title of the first entry
I love the first page of a new journal or sketchbook. A fresh crisp white page just waiting for you to let loose...
love your art :)
You are fine, fun and clever Dear Lori! Love your journal page - keep it up!
You are too adorable for words Lori! I enjoy viewing and reading all you have to share. Your creativity and cute humor is truly one of a kind! I'm glad you decided to create in your journal. I love your page! Can't wait to see more! Have a great Friday!
Lisa :)
Glad to see you've taken the plunge. Keep it up and ENJOY!
i know exactly how you feel. i try never to begin painting or writing on a blank white page... i know that it helps me if i paint the background first. use at least one color.. i seem to always go for brown. it really lets the creativity flow! good luck!
Oh, wow, Lori - you have no idea how timely your post is... I am sitting here with a blank journal in front of me and instead of starting, I got on the laptop to browse around in blogland a bit. And I come across your post - perfect!! I love your journal entry and will start with my journal NOW. Thank you!! Hugs, Silke
Very nice!! I love the text :D!
Keep it up!
Soooo true, what you wrote in the journal. I never kept journals for long periods neither. And it doesn't seem that this is going to change. Single pages to be collected will probably work better - for me. I still feel silly scribling over a page covered in color ... we'll see ;)
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