i've got all of my supplies out, ready to make book #2 for julie prichard's class. the pages of this book will be collaged, and i must admit this is awkward territory for me. i've collaged in the past and it wasn't what i would consider to be my most favorite art memory. it was so bad, in fact, that my teacher suggested that the only way to salvage what i had was to tear my finished collaged sheet into lots of smaller pieces, giving me about fifteen smaller collages to go home with (instead of the original one collage). not good. my grid-oriented-must-have-rules-and-structure brain just doesn't process directions like "just tear some paper and glue it to the page" very well. i absolutely adore the look of collage, but my problem is that i overthink projects like this. but i really want to learn new techniques and experience life outside the box, so, okay, here i go....i'm off to tear some paper (does it have to be a certain size?!) and glue it (not too much glue, i'm guessing) to the page (anywhere i want?) oh yes, and to avoid the overthinking part, i'm turning the brain switch to "off" mode. right. now.....
what i love about collages is the freedom. enjoy it; can't wait to see your pages :-)
Great post Lori. Wishing you the best as you take a deep breath and step out of the boat!
Gosh Lori...you're speaking my language over here. I folded all my cardstock lengthwise and cut my book boards. Then I came to a grinding halt. Collage willie-nilly? Be messy? Don't be structured? I don't know what that means!!!....LOL
We're rooting for you Lori! We know you can do it, and have fun too!
Looks like you have all your ducks in a row...how to get them to scatter???
If you must you may make a grid at each corner. He He!! I love collage and I just know yours will be Fabulous!!! :)
I bet it will be great. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I'm experiencing these same kinds of feelings, but with paint on a blank white page. It's scary for my organized thoughts to be free with paint colors when it has been so long.
Ohh you can do it, Lori! Looks like you're well on your way!
Oh come on Lori...you can do it!! I've got my pages folded and one page collaged so far. I know this will take me some time to complete. I've been using the gel medium to glue the paper on the cardstock and think I'm going to switch to a glue stick and see how that works.
Just pick out papers that compliment each other and SMUCK them on there!!! LOL!!! It will be beautiful. Remember, these pages will be a background for whatever you decide to put on the page.
I saw your first book and it was great! I'm looking forward to seeing this 2nd book. Have fun!
I'm not worried at all about you. I know that you can do whatever you want to do and 10 times better.
OTOH, I'm trying to figure coptic binding from some tutorials and it's all blurry in my head :(
Love, Kitty
Enjoy the process as you step outside your comfort zone! I like to use gel medium with collage, applying to both the substrate and the paper itself, then use a brayer, credit card, or my finger to adhere the paper. Use more glue for heavier paper. Hope that helps :)
Where did you get that cool abc paper?
i know you will do great at this lori! the fun thing about collage is that it is forgiving. if you don't like what you've done, just collage over it!
You're so funny.....that's why I love to come over and visit!
what's wrong with square, in the box collaging? i think your style looks good in any format!
I remember the first time I tried to collage. It was very square and blah. I asked my daughter what was wrong with it. She came over and just pushed the papers all around out of order and it looked great! I still struggle with it tho'.
Yours will be great I'm sure!
I like to have at least 5 elements to collage. I like to place at least one of them going "off the page" And I like to add some ribbon or texture of some type. You'll do fine. Post photos please.
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