these glasses are usually lurking in photos that i post of my studio, and many of you have noticed because i get a lot of questions and comments about them! they are my "houndstooth readers".....i figure if i have to be blind as a bat, i may as well be a stylish-blind-bat!
i spied these one day on an endcap over in the yarn section at our michael's arts and crafts store. the good news is there are lots of styles to choose from....and the even better news is that they cost only $2.99!! at that great price, you might just be inspired to grab more than one pair!!
p.s. thank you SO much for your heartfelt response to my journal sale! i truly appreciate your support of my little etsy shop....and you've inspired me to create some new journals! :)
I absolutely love these.
I used a bit of houndstooth in a painting just last week. :)
Had to laugh about the glasses...I too decided if I was going to use readers they should be fun and better suited to my personality. I've got all styles, colors and patterns, even rhinestones!
Such cute glasses, Lori! If I needed glasses (luckily, I was blessed with great eyesight), I would surely grab a few pairs of these! p.s. come on over and have an apple cinnamon muffin..there's a couple left! :)
too cute! :) i love houndstooth!
Love the glasses! I'm so blind, I have to wear contacts all the time. They don't make those kind of glasses strong enough for these eyes. LOL...
Glad you did well on your journal sale.
Hugs from Texas.
Hey, there goes ditto for me too! lol! Thanks for the tip. I get mine at the 99 cents store. Unfortunately, they don't have nearly as many fun styles and colors to choose from. They are very limited.
Now I have to use them to crotchet :). I have a pair everywhere because I use them that much...one pair in my purse, another in the potty room, and another on my desk :). Definitely come in handy.
Fun face jewelry there, Lori! :D I LOVE having fun glasses to wear, they sure do perk up my mood.
May you see your way clearly to future inspirations...
congratulations on your journal sale; look forward to seeing more of your journal creations.
This made me snicker a tad.. I too can not see a darn thing without my readers.. I have several pair all over the house so no matter where I am I can SEE..
LOVE the glasses. LOVE your journals. If you're making more, I am a happy camper, lori!!!! (I missed the red & white one.♥)
These are really cute. I doubt they'd help me with my eyesite. I need mine for driving (distance) and for some upclose. Sometimes I have totake them off though. I'd love a cute pair of prescription sunglasses like these.
I love the glasses! I'll have to check them out next time I'm in Michaels's.
I wish I could wear these. Do you think they come in tri focals???
oh they are adorable!! wish i could buy my bifocals with one very special lens for a partially blind left eye for $2.99!!! hee hee i had noticed these in some of your photos and thought what a stylish gal our lori is!!
Nothing like an empty store to kick start the creativity, eh? My Micheal's $2.99 specs are royal blue and I call them my OC glasses since it was in Orange County, CA that I purchased them. I only saw solid colour ones - I might've bought houndstooth if they had them. Funny thing was, on the way home, sitting opposite me in the Chicago airport, waiting for my connection, sat a woman with the same glasses I had bought - except hers were red! I smiled when I saw them.
Good Morning Lori!
I love those glasses...and for $2,99, what a good deal!!! I'm going to look the next time I'm in Michael's. I have a really cute pair I got on ebay, pink with rhinestones going across the top. It's good to have more than one though...like one for the car, one for upstairs, one for downstairs, one for your purse...You can never have too many, once you start to need them!
I just watched your penguin stamp video. That looks like so much fun! All new to me, and YOU made it look so easy, I want to try one right now!...You're such a GREAT teacher!!!
Hugs, Paulette =D
Funny! I was attempting to read something this morning and struggling. Realized that I don't read sometimes because of my eyes and then I read your post!!!
Watched your penguin video. You made it look so easy.
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