the stage was set: it was a beautiful sunday afternoon.....and we were watching none other than that world famous blue angels at the jacksonville air show! mother nature certainly did her part by providing blue skies with not a cloud in sight, a perfect 75 degrees with a slight breeze blowing off the gorgeous atlantic ocean, and lots and lots of glorious sunshine.
we had all the essentials: sunglasses, cute, floppy hats.....sunscreen.....VIP passes.....food and drink tickets.....a bottle of water.....the camera......what?......we did bring the camera....right?......
so, therefore, i'm left to just tell you about the perfect shot that i missed of the red eagle bi-plane against the azure blue sky doing the loop-de-loop in the shape of a heart (yes, the shape of a heart and it was fan-tas-tic). or the photo op of five blue angels flying straight towards us in delta formation, at a speed and g-force that would curl your hair, over the atlantic ocean, and then splitting off in their own direction.....and of course, from where i was sitting, it would have been framed out with a palm tree on either side of the formation. oh, yes....this was naval-aviator-magazine-front-cover-type-stuff, and instead of showing you photos of this magnificent event, all i can do is tell you about it!
moral of the story: always be prepared, so when inspiration strikes, you won't miss it......and find yourself at the end of the day with nothing but a program and a used wrist band....!
yes, the moral of the story is a good one, but not always easy to achieve !
At least you have a lovely memory. Sounds like fun!
you described it so well i could visualize it! gives me goosebumps. i love to see the blue angels - i've never seen the irl, though, only on tv.
and don't feel bad - i've done what you did, too. almost, anyway. i took my camera to a function, but left the memory card at home in the computer. duh. LOL
Lol! I think everyone has done something similar - my camera was dead when I had the chance of this fabulous shot of an eagle in a tree. Aaaargh!!!
I agree...like, I always keep my camera and a drawing pad/pens on me. For the very FEW times I did not....I regretted it!!! :)
PS Just read your comment about my giveaway. I left you a note on my blog about it in the comments section. :D
Hi Lori! You are so lucky to have seen them in action. Here in SF, their show was shortened due to bad weather. I could hear them practicing above the dark and cloudy skies a day before, but I didn't get a chance to see the marvelous show this year. I grew up watching them every single time they were in town. It's always spectacular! :)
Wow. Your description really had me visualizing...So sorry about your camera, though. I hate when that happens!
my camera battery has gone down on me several times. need to carry some extras i guess.
Hi Sweetie! You may have missed the photo part, but you certainly caught the inspiration! I loved this post, and even though you couldn't capture those always amazing Blue Angels with your camera, your description was sooo perfect! I pictured it all in my head...and the little red plane making a heart loop-de-loop! How cute is that?! ... I can see a precious Lori doodle in the works right this minute!!! So happy you had such a special, fun day! Hugs, Paulette ;)
I was able to visualize what you seen as I had seen them many, many years ago in Nevada. Wonderful experience, wonderful memory and now you have it too.
Ah... I can relate so well -- except that I did have a camera last time I saw them -- at my son's graduation from the US Naval Academy in May 2008. The Blue Angels flew over the stadium - fabulous (plus an air show a couple days beforehand)!! Truly amazing!! Enjoy the memory!
Bet it was awesome. Hate you didn't get pics! But so glad you have the memories.
Have a blessed day.
It happens to me all the time. Thanks for the audio. It worked just fine.
Oh man--I love when the Blue Angels come to Jacksonville! Usually they are just across the river at the Naval air stating and I can see they from my window but you guys the beach got them this year!
Wonderful! I can see it from your description! We have the Thunderbirds here at HAFB in Utah and I love watching them fly formations.
you have a lovely memory. Sounds like fun! Work from home India
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