we've been treated to some "fall weather" here in florida, and it inspired me to create this little doodle of some of my favorite autumn things! i decided to make a little video, and of course ran into some editing issues (which is videography speak for "i forgot to press the 'record' button when i was painting the first part"!!!), so it's rather short.....

i hope that this gorgeous weather inspires you to put on some cozy socks and your favorite sweater, so you can go outside and rake some of those fall leaves into a big pile....and jump in it! then come on inside for a nice bowl of warm soup, a mug of apple cider.....and maybe a piece of pumpkin pie for dessert!!
you can watch this video in larger format here
Lori, love your little autumn doodle, my favorite time of year.
What a lovely sampler of autumn doodles. Makes me want to go stitch.
wonderful doodle ! I hope you're going to do a winter ballet dancer soon....
A great collection of autumn loveliness! I'm enjoying our fall weather, too. It's so nice to have the windows open!
lovely doodle Lori!!
Glad you got a break in the heat. Fall is my favorite time of year.
Have a great day!!
Hi Lori Doodler!!! You just know what I'm going to say...ADORABLE!!!
I love all your cute little pictures of special autumn goodness, and I really loved watching you doodle it all too. Your color blending is sooo pretty too. I didn't want it to end! Keep those videos coming sweetie pie!!! Hugs, Paulette =D
love this!!!
oh yeah, bring on the cozy socks! and the pumpkins and mums- love those, too!!
I enjoyed listening to the background music while watching you color in your doodles. Thanks for the relaxing treat.
thank you lori! i loved watching your doodling process :-)
we're having very warm weather up north in pennsylvania. i am outside in a tshirt today! in mid november!
patty :-)
You're totally inspiring. I wish my art items looked somewhere NEAR as professional as yours!! :)
Happy Monday!
SO SO cute. You need to put all this cute little drawings in a book so you can sit back and look at them over and over!
That was so fun. I love watching you paint. Thanks for sharing.
This is absolutely charming. You seem so fluent and fluid in your art, it's a joy.
when i was watching your video, my 2 year old son asked what's that mama? i became the narrator. he loves colored pencils so he kept watching what you were doing (so was i). thank you for some monday goodness.
I agree with Martha....these are so cute!! Maybe some cards to sell???? You could print them out and they would be so darned cute!! I must admit, I copied your Onion ring/french fry one and sent it to my Mom....she loved it!!! You have such cute ideas and I think they would sell big time. Even printed out and put behind a mat board.
Thanks for the comments on my Calligraphy post. Having tons of fun with it and I am learning so much! Have a good one...keep those doodles coming!!
Hi Lori! I just loved your inspiration monday post! Your video made me smile from beginning to end. I even clapped at the end like a little girl as I watched your creation come to life with your loving creativity. The music was a perfect addition. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us!
Lisa :)
It was so fun to watch you create this adorable doodle! Thank you for your visits to my blog and your encouraging words. It means so much to me!
Oh Autumn! Promise me you'll do one for all the seasons...
That's a doodle? ... Right. ... I'm going into hiding.
wow, Lori, great work. Sandi
Lori, this is wonderful! Great doodle and I such a helpful video! I'll watch it again tomorrow when I have more time, but I loved seeing how you work!! I wish I could draw like you - it's so fun and whimsical! Hugs, Silke
Thanks for the great idea. I loved the video and want to make my own Autumn page.
It's so fun to watch how you do this. You make it look easy and have such fabulous results!
loved the video but was bummed we only caught the tail end of painting...did you do the whole thing the same way? AND, did you like the new pencils?
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