we were out with some friends this weekend and ended up in our favorite little neighborhood french-bistro-style restaurant for dinner. now, for those who know me, the food in a place like that is more than enough to inspire me....especially when they bring that dessert-board-on-the-easel over to the table! but it wasn't until after dessert, and we were browsing in the gift section of the restaurant, that i spied this sweet little box......i absolutely couldn't take my eyes off of it.

the first time i saw it, i picked it up, inspected it, and noticed that the price was very reasonable. but i put it back, continued to look in the shop.....came back to it for the second time, picked it up again and noticed how good it felt in my hands. then i started to think that thought that we all think when we see something fabulous in a store....."hey, i could make this!". so, i put it back, and while the wheels were turning in my head, i continued to look in the shop......

and of course came back to it. and when i picked it up for the third time, for further inspection and still noticing how very reasonably priced it was.....this time i saw that little name in the bottom right-hand corner of the box......and that was all i needed to confirm that this sweet little trinket was coming home with me!

i have been a sarah lugg fan for-ev-er. she injected artful new purpose into the every day shipping tag when her artwork appeared on the cover of Victoria magazine some 12 years ago. her use of color, seashells, leaves found on a hike, stitchery on paper, and box/grid layouts makes my heart beat fast every time i think about it!
oh yes, this is inspiration at it's very best.....and once again i'm reminded that it can be lurking anywhere.....even in your favorite little neighborhood restaurant!
click on photos for larger view
the postcard artwork by sarah lugg can be seen in the book "paper quilting" by bridget hoff (page 65)
it's a beaut! who can say no to a little shrine to love?
What a fun little find! It is just so darn cute....and inspiring, of course :)
I remember subscribing to Victoria magazine years ago! It was my fav! Thank you for this post with Sarah's link. So happy for your treasured find...
finds like that are just magic, that heart box is stunning, hmmmm, what great inspiration. Hugs
Oooh, I like Sarah's work as well. Great find, Lori!
I still have copies of Victoria magazine. I used to love it!
What restaurant were you at?
How fun! yay! Don't you just love it?
Each time you picked it up I was saying buy it, buy it!!!! :) Such a wonderful piece of art!!!
What a sweet trinket you found and I'm glad that you decided to treat yourself to it. Will you still be making your own version too? If so, please post it so we can all see your lovely work.
What a lovely early valentine just for you. I'm so glad you decided to take it home.
I love your new-found treasure-- or should I say, "I heart it"?
(You'll never guess what my word verification is: "ceephart"! If you make that a hard "C", you got "keep heart"!)
There was certainly a reason why the box with the heart in it attracted you. Great find. Is she a Floridian?
What a fun discovery.. Sometimes the best things in life are those it takes us a moment to realize we just somehow NEED.. ha
Oh, yes...I can totally see why you kept going back. I am so guilty of saying that I can make it and then never get around to it (or forget). Good for you for getting it!!
such a pretty box :-)
that's funny how you kept going back to it. like they say, trust your instincts, and your were telling you the box was special.
enjoy your little treasure1 :-)
What a fun find! I love it when I come across something like that!
Beautiful! I wanna go and have another look...
That's one adorable little trinket.
I'd not heard her name before - checking it out right now.
I can see why you had to have it, it's lovely. Thank you for sharing the link too!
I love it, it is just the kind of multi-layered look I love. Thanks for sharing! And thanks, as always for your sweet comments on my blog, have a fabulous day!!!
oh my goodness i love it! and i love how it was by sarah herself! isn't it amazing how even when we don't know who the artist is, we are still drawn to their work?! that is so inspiring! i am so happy you took that little gift home with you...just for sweet YOU :)
What a sweet box...
simply irresistible
heart ~box♥
You are pretty lucky indeed!
You are so fortunate. In San Diego, where we use to live, there were lots of little places to stroll and shop. I love the craft stores. They were so inspiring.
Where we live now, things are really spead out. There are only two places that I know of where we can stroll and shop. One is quite nice with lots of second hand stores and antiquie malls along with country style places to eat and bbq ribs shacks. The other is not inviting at all.
Enjoy such fun at your finger tips!
Where did you find the box w/the heart?
It is something that belongs in my house too.
Gosh, I was at Tuesday Morning thinking I could find it there..?
Thank you for sharing..
I never heard of Sarah lugg?
I will have to go look now.
Thank you.. hugs, Darlene xo
Fabulous find. I do hope you will try to make one yourself and share with uis. I can't wait to see how you make it your own. An Elvie Studio Shrine to Love (as aimee called it) would be awesome.
That's such a sweet little goodie!
We all need to treat ourselves to a little happy present every so often, especially the ones that call us back three times! :) I know your version will be OH SO SPECIAL. I can't wait to see what you do! Hugs, Paulette xoxo
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