my poor little etsy shop has been severely neglected. so much so, that when you enter, all you hear are the crickets that have set up camp....and the noise is starting to irritate the guests. so, yesterday i had a binding party in my studio and created several books. maybe this vintage-style parisian journal will chase those crickets away.....

or this one with sweet little red birdies and green birdcages.....

or this "book of me", covered with linen book cloth and a chipboard
die-cut on the front.
buh-bye crickets.....
WOW woman.. When you get to work you really get to work.. haha Everything looks great.. I love the idea of a ME book.. You just have ideas overflowing..
Oh Lori, these are each and everyone stunning, fav though is the Paris, it will whisk you away in a heartbeat. Hugs
Good for you! Love the Me journal
Go Lori, go Lori, go Lori! These are all wonderful. Love the "birdy" one!
We should to do lunch sometime soon!
Oh my, they are all gorgeous. I have no one going to Paris although the little in London (who loves her journal BTW) has been to Paris a couple of years ago as it was a dream come true.
Oh my goodness.... these are delightful! I love them. ;-)
you've been busy! these all look wonderful! i finally cracked the spine of a journal i'd been hoarding for a while on monday. pictures on my blog today !
I'm impressed.
And those journals are exquisite!
I'm sorry I am not rich or I would buy them all up!!!
I love all of these. I'm sure that the "ME" book will appeal to hoards of folks. Have the crickets been silenced?
Oh my goodness!! My heart is pounding. Beautiful...
I love these, Lori. You really got back to work!!! YAY!
linen. linen. oh linen. it's me.
be gone crickets!
(i see you sold your paris journal - woohoo! stomp on those crickets! LOL)
beautiful!!!!!!!! :-)
xo, patty
HOORAY for the shop update! mine was neglected until a couple days ago, too...LOOOOOOOVING that red birdie journal...ahhh :)
oooh, oooh and triple OOOH!!! These are just beautiful Lori! Boy, you've been a busy little bee! I LOVE them all!
Big, BIG hugs to you!
Paulette xoxo
I TOTALLY love the Paris one!!! Oh yeah! :) It's almost Friday!
Great work Lori! The birds and birdcages is my favorite! :)
I can only imagine the patience it must require to put together these perfect books. And your hand skills...wow!
Oh my you have been busy busy and I LOVE these! :)
Ohhh, lovely, so lovely!
beautiful!! bookbinding eludes me! i have to imagine that it is difficult, but it also looks like a very meditative process.
These are just gorgeous.I would love to try to make something that great.
I thought about you the other day. I've been really busy getting the day care up and strong. Things are going well.
I am getting ready to start a crotcheting project :D. Again, I am so inspired by you!
loving the books darling...no more crickets i am sure!!!
Crickets TEE HEE !!! But now your cooking!!!
I think the noise from the crickets in MY ETSY shop could drown yours out!
A good reminder to get creating!
Beautiful journals. They look like love was put into them.
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