my heart goes out to all of you little bloggy sweeties who've been hit by yet another winter blast from mother nature....i hope you're staying warm, staying safe, and your supply of hot chocolate hasn't been depleted! it's been a long, cold season, and this winter we've even had a taste of the frigid air down here, too! for the past several days we've had overnight low temperatures in the 20's.....and while i know that sounds like a heatwave to all of you snowbunnies up north, this is north florida, and we start to whine any time the mercury drops below 50 degrees! so here's to channeling some much warmer weather really soon....because let's face it, palm trees and icicles just don't go together!
Oh my...what a picture! We got a lot more snow and ice here in freeeeezing ohio yesterday. SO not fun! I feel like I should be used to it by now...but I'm just plain over it :) p.s. I LOVE that journal with the buttons. So adorable :)
What a great picture! We're having nice warm weather here at -5°C (23°F) and feel it's just balmy!! A good day to bake a chocolate cake though (I did this morning!)...yum.
oh boy! we are still getting snow here for the third straight day but you're right about one thing, 'palm trees and icicles don't go together!'
What a gorgeous photo and a treat for the eyes - the silver lining that comes with the freeze.
Hi Sweetie!
I love your picture, how pretty! You're right Lori, palm trees and icicles really shouldn't have to go together! I'm wishing a return of beautiful, warm, sunshiny days for you soon!
Paulette ;)
it just all melted.......:)[-<
Believe it or not, we had fairly nice sunshiney weather today in Texas. It was much needed. Me and Lil Man had to go for a walk and play a little golf in the yard. We are having a great day.
Amazing photo! I'm staying warm with hot bubble baths, puppies, throw blankets, and hot cuppas. And the occasional snuzzling! :)
Palm trees and icicles definitely do not go together. We have family that goes south for the winter. With all of the cold weather they are having where they are at, they said they just should have stayed home. The picture is unique for sure. Take care.
Great picture Lori!! We've got icles and just plain ice hanging from half way up our roof to 2ft off the front. When it melts enough, I have a feeling that it will slide off in one big chunk...probably making lots of noise when it does. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ready for some warm weather!!
Shredded coconut. I love the pic and that's what it looked like to me.
Being north of the border has had it's up side. This year the snow decided to stay south of the great lakes. I feel so sorry for those who keep having to shovel, and shovel...
That is so beautiful and weird at the same time. We are traveling in Maine right now so we feel your pain.
When do you think it's going to be over? When will spring get here...?I want to see flowers and birds....and I am almost out of
hot chocolate.....you're right ice and palm trees don't go together...Here in NC, the mountains have had so much snow but not as bad as NY....but too much for us.....
You stay warm and keep creating.
Hugs and Blessings,
that picture makes me cold.
i live in the valley of the sun.
the BURNING HOT sun.
it.s beautiful here right now.
i wanted to thank you for always leaving the sweeeetest comments on my blog.
they make my day
and put a permanent smile on my freckled face.
happy sunday.
you.re the best!
(stay warm.)
Hi Lori! Wow, what a great photo! I agree, palm trees and icicles just don't go well together. The rain is off and on here in S.F., but I think I've gotten use to that already. Wishing you warmer days, sweetie! :)
oh Lori you are correct that is just not right, lol. Hope you are warming up today. Hugs
This is a perfect pic and one that people will not believe in years to come ~ ice and freezing temps in Florida?? Hope it warms up for you soon. We had some beautiful snowfalls in the past few days. It was soo picturesque on the trees..But it turned around and melted, rained and now we're left with that slushy stuff..
Enjoy your day!
...at least my puppy likes romping through this snow! I love your photo, lori. There's beauty in winter even if the cold is horrendous! ~K
That is.... chilling! I think our country has it's weather all mixed up this year!
i have enjoyed the cold and some snow. now i am trying to patiently wait for the spring and summer. there is some indication today that spring is here so we are off for some play time outside. have a great sunday.
What an incredible photo! I know what you mean, if it gets to 50 degrees I get out the long underwear ~ : )
Love that photo! And what a great journal in your previous post.
I know, right!?! beautiful out today, but the wind will catch you coldly off guard!
Just like here in L.A. But we are both blessed to have most of the year in beautiful weather. Enjoy it!
Oh, my...I hope you thaw out soon. Just found your blog and love your colorful, creative spirit. Sending warm thoughts your way from SC~ I smell Spring; it has to show up soon, for all our sakes. :-)
was it worth the freeze to see this fountain ice over? it would be for me! it looks like a cake. wow!
My Mum and Dad head out to Florida tomorrow to visit my Mum's brother. My auntie just phoned to say 'leave your t shirts at home, it's cold!'
Fab photo :)
We are lucky too... almost Spring like weather, butterflies, and lots of wee flowers. It is good to leave Winter behind...
Yes, we do whine when the temp goes below 50 degrees. And it's been freezing lately. I don't think we'd complain so much if we didn't get teased every other week with gorgeous weather.
gorgeous photo...i am from northern michigan...do not miss the weather a bit....i have been in sunny? california for over 20 years...been to the snow a few times but no thanks...i wanna be warm now!
That is TOTALLY amazing.. WOW how beautiful.. Makes me even like Winter (for a second or two)..
..so rare for hot Florida to
capture a pic.of a frozen fountain
this beautiful♥love it!
soon, this *chilly winter* will be a distant memory..
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