it's always interesting to me when you sit down with a "plan" in your creative brain, and the result is completely different. i always struggle with collage.....still trying to train my eye with what "looks right" to me!
i carved a cupcake stamp to use, but i'm wondering if it would have been a better idea to stamp it just once, instead of all over the place like wallpaper......
or maybe it's just that once you get an idea in your head, nothing else looks right to you!
journal page finished using decorative papers, hand-carve stamp, micron pen, 2B pencil
thank you SO much for all of your sweet birthday wishes......
it certainly took the sting out of turning another year older!!!! xox
and thank you martha for such a beautiful birthday post!!!
i love the cupcake stamp, and i really like the multiple stampings of it. you did a great job carving the stamp and assembling the page - yes you did!!!
You make my life happier by the continuous small treats you offer through your blog. It's my very favorite. (You could have your own stamp line. I would buy them.)
i think that the more cupcakes...the merrier we all are!
i must have missed your birthday in my absence.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend.
i read martha.s post to you and even though i.ve never met you, i would have suspected that ALL the wonderful ways she described you...is EXACTLY what you are like.
you are a breath of fresh air. i love coming here.
I think it's true that often ideas in our head come out so differently in reality. This happens to me often and I have to just adpat and go with it like you say and learn along the way . . .
Oh Lori, a belated Happy Birthday! It's only a number.
I struggle with collage too. I think you pulled if off though.
Small treats are always welcome.
YOU carved THAT cupcake???? Wow! I mean ... WOW!!!
Well, one super duper cupcake wouldn't be "continuous" (or as much fun) like multiple super duper cupcakes. I'm with Iris, continuous is good (especially when it's cupcakes). So I think you did just right with your happy life collage :).
ONE cupcake?? Are you joking? Who can ever have just one?! Hope your birthday was cupcake-filled, dear sweet lori!♥ (PS. I finally ordered and received my stamp carving supplies, and am going to rewatch your tutorial...and begin soon! Wow...)
Well if that was a struggle then total WOW to you. So cute.. but sure made me wish I had a cup cake, or two.
Well Sweetpea, I am sorry I missed your birthday but I send you lots of hugs and kisses a day late....I hope it was a wonderful start to a fabulous year......
Girlfriend, you know we have to have more than one cupcake....who has just one? Love the journnal page and I can't believe you can make these stamps....talent, talent, talent.....
I say the more cupcakes the better. This is a wonderful journal. Happy creating...
I think the multiple cupcakes goes along with the continuous small treats theme. Hope this "new year" will provide continuous small treats (and perhaps a few large ones) for you.
mmmm...wonder who ate the cupcake that modelled for your stamp.....mmmmm
I saw your blog on Random Arts -my pal Jane:) What a fabulous page! A belated happy birthday and you sound younger than most anyone I know!!
So cute! I struggle with collage also but love to see what everyone else is creating with it. I think I am trying to hard. Your carved cupcake stamp is lovely here.
Good thing those cupcakes are of the virtual-paper-variety, or I'da reached in for a taste! ;)
Happy belated birthday, dear friend! You're not just older, you're BETTER.
first of all- it's so TRUE! and i love your collage! :)
Hi Lori! I love your cupcake stamp! I also think this page is just PERFECT!...and yes, the more sweet, adorable Lori cupcakes, the better!...You are so good at carving stamps...but then again, you're sooo good at lots of stuff! xo Paulette
Lori, I'm glad you stamped all those cupcakes!! It's just more to eat and share!! Happy belated Birthday!
Happy, Happy, Joy,Joy..the
celebrations should last all w'end
Wishing Lori all the best today
and always!
are there any delicious cupcakes
maybe one with chocolat frosting:))
ooohh..wonderful post
Hi Sweetie! This is super cute! I love your hand carved stamps, especially the one I have from you. Happy Happy Happy Belated Birthday! You deserve a cupcake everyday! :)
Happy belated birthday Lori!! I hope you celebrated with people you love and lots and lots of chocolate! Or cupcakes...or chocolate cupcakes...
I totally hear you on that one. I have all of these (what I think to be) super ideas in my head, but they NEVER turn out how I envision them. Most of the time, it's OK. But other times, it's frustrating. hahaha :)
oh yes!
as is your
love your
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