for times when you're inspired to do "something" but don't really know what that "something" is, inspiration can be as easy as peeking into your old journals and idea files.......you're bound to find something in that treasure trove that's sure to inspire you again!
or, if you're like me, you might just have some unfinished projects lurking in your creative archives. i created this autumn doodle about eight months ago with the intention of doing a "season series"......and as usual i got distracted by other things......and as a result, i seem to have completely skipped over winter and spring! yikes!
so i'm hoping that i'll have this colored in by the time autumn rolls around this year, and then i'll be back on track for a winter doodle......provided that i don't get distracted again (and there's always a very good chance of that....)
and now to get this painted in.....
CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE....and so on and so on. I love it. It's had a cute factor of 10 and that's the highest score you can get, It's very Lorific
*smiles* Yes, that so happens to me all the time. I don't even want to think about the unfinished projects :)
Yours looks lovely! Can't wait to see it finished!
I love the calligraphy in SUMMER. So cute and whimsical. Have a great Monday, can't wait to see the colors.
I love searching through piles of sketchbooks and journals... when I get to a page and I wonder, "hmmm... why didn't I bring that to finished art?" I know I have something fun to play with!
Your design is adorable! Hope your share your finished piece :)
i remember your autumn doodle and glad to see you are bringing the series back. have a great monday.
Hey Lori, I don't think there is a deadline on seasons. No stress but I do want to see it coloured.
Sweet drawings...love the bicycle! Can't wait to see it colorful next. Autumn will be a fun one too I think! I love autumn colors...
i love the text! ^_^ this is going to look just adorable when it is all colored in! I cant wait!
Can't wait to see this colored in...not to mention the whole series! The calligraphy on the word "summer" is amazing.
I think the only thing I like about summer right now is your page!!!!!
I am really hating this heat!!!!!
I want fall!!!!!!
cuteness, Lori!
love this doodle!!!
i do the same thing, lori. i have so many projects started and then i get distracted! lol
i hope you get this series done - i'd love to see it colored and complete!
xo :-)
Lori, this rocks!! You are so right about looking in your old stash about inspiration and such! I'm looking for my mojo now, hopefully it will turn up in there! LOL!!! Cannot wait to see this completed! I hope you put it on top of your priority list to do the rest of the seasons!
Great idea and can't wait to see what you do with this
can't wait till tomorrow...
get'm crayons out!
You make me smile...this is so cute...never know where inspiration will appear....
Lori, I have a new blog and I hope you will visit me and join....
I was butterfly works....now Nancy
Hugs my friend
Super Cute!
You dont want to see my pile of unfinished projects... it's scary!
I'm a 2 thumbs up for summer gal.. LOVE LOVE LOVE it most of all.. Just hate to see it slipping away so fast. I'm holding on hard for all that's left. Thanks for reminding me how fun it is.
glad I found you - came over from Marthas.
Hi Lori - thought I'd stop by to say hello - I love your doodles - I'll be doing a blog giveaway next week on exactly that topic! Favorite things about summer!!!
Stop by and join in.
Hi Sweetie! I remember that adorable autumn doodle!...I loved it, and this is just as super cute!!! What a great idea to do a series. How pretty would THAT be on a wall! You're so full of cute ideas! xo Paulette ;D
Getting back to old projects when the time is right...this feels great. Enjoy the coloring process!
Ah so glad to see you working on this one - so cute. I loved the Autumn one and thought it was such a great idea. I think you may have just inspired me to do one. :-)
please make the other two seasons too, love the summer and autumn ones. Seeing you work on the autumn one was so much fun!
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