Monday, March 19, 2012

inspiration monday

sometimes i go through rough patches when i'm so uninspired that i wonder if 
inspiration will ever come to see me again.  and even though i try not to worry about it......

it's hard when i find myself constantly staring at a blank page 
with no creative spark in sight.  i've heard that one answer is to keep
plugging away by putting something......anything......down on paper......

but i've also discovered that it never hurts to have a "plan B".

i've found that raiding my chocolate stash works wonders.
 inspiration loves chocolate, you know.

{supplies:  walls notebook by sherwood forlee, pitt pens, 
derwent inktense pencils, waterbrush, 4B graphite pencil, 
white sharpie fine poster paint pen}


Unknown said...

oh these new page from the wall notebook is amazing!! i'm still thinking of buying this wonderful notebook for my boyfriend! :D

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

You're amazing...!

Mary said...

Doesn't look like you are lacking any inspiration from here!

Janie Husband said...

i love this lori......smiling here...the wall notebook proves to have given you loads of inspiration...... peace..

Martha Lever said...

This is just so cute, Lori. Love the lettering ---and punching that button is sheer genius!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this.

Jeanette said...

Lori, Even when you "think" you're out of creative inspiratio, Viola! There is another fabulous journal installation! You are clever and creative beyond belief. And, if a piece of chocolate beckons it, have at it, girl! Do let us know which chocolate provides the greatest inspiration, please. ;) Happy Monday! xoox, Jeanette

huntla1 said...

You may have THOUGHT you were out of inspiration but this page is fabulous!

Monique said...

Beautifull !! I so enjoy watching your pages.


lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily Lagore said...

Love your humor! I also am loving how you are grafittiING up your walls!!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Fabulous and so funny. Yes that button can help:-)Great idea!

phays said...

Re: chocolate...couldn't agree more! Thanks for the humor and the gorgeous lettering on a Monday morning!

ellie said...

if what you do is being out of inspiration, oh please, PLEASE let me be out of inspiration!!!! ;)

have you thought about the drawing/painting class?

Jessie May said...

You have perfectly summed up my mood today, I so need an emergency button. It's really hard to imagine you ever lack inspiration, you create the most amazing illustrations from seemingly so little. Enjoy your chocolate : ) said...

Yes... it happens to us all.
Our "mojo" isn't getting on with our day!
No worries, looks like you found it after all, love the journal pages!! :]
Happy Monday ((hugs))

Createology said...

Lori dear you are not alone. I am always encouraged when I realize others have a stumble in their creative endeavors. By this artwork I would not have known you "thought" you were lacking inspiration. You are amazing and I covet your posts. Thank you and Crative Inspirational Hugs...

Margaret said...

Margaret xx

Andria said...

Great piece, Lori!

Claire M said...

Well... I too can relate to sometimes wonding what to 'create'. But, I need to say that I've gotten so much out of your posts and reflective words - they have brightened many of my days!! This is very clever what you did with these two pages.

Jennifer said...

Absolutely LOVE this one!! :) Doesn't look like you're lacking in the creativity department, though ;)

Beth said...

Loved this! I've been struggling with a lack of inspiration of my own lately, and it's so nice to see wonderfully creative things arise out of it :) Happy first day of spring!

Anonymous said...

Just LOVE your work, Lori! You make my days. I just have to smile when I read your "words of wisdom" - especially about chocolate. It's hard being a chocoholic sometimes. That's ALL I think about & my tushy shows it. :(
Thanks again for sharing!
Grandma Nancy Sapp

AmyS said...

I love your art, espeically the wall journal. Please tell me, are the pages coated and smooth or do they have some tooth to them?

rachel awes said...

it does AMAZE how such a well does not run dry. xox

Unknown said...

oh your pages are great!!

Alex said...

your pages are amazing! I really like your style, and how everything you draw seem to pop out of the pages.

Autumn Hathaway said...

So funny and beautifully illustrated. I luv it.

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