it really is true, you know.....
mom's way is always the best way!
mom's way is always the best way!
i hope your mother's day weekend
is fabulously beautiful and just the way you like it,
sweet bloggy friend!
sweet bloggy friend!
derwent watercolor pencils, waterbrush, 6B graphite pencil}
Lori, what a sweet page and precious sentiment!! Thank goodness for all of Mom's lessons! Hope your Mother's Day is spectacular and filled with lovely memories to cherish. Hugs & Love, Jeanette
Awwww... as a new mom, I hope I live up to this adage! :)
P.s. I love your lettering! I have to really work hard to get mine to look half as good. :/
So true:O) Happy Moms Day:O)
LOOOVE this!
J'aime beaucoup !!!
LOL...I love the words of wisdom that wander off your pen. Have a wonderful weekend, Lori.
okay this is the cutest of cute, love it. hugs
Oh how your creation and words made me smile today Lori!!
I hope you have a wonderful mother's day also.
♥Lee Ann
no kidding! hahaha! happy mother's day, lori!
lori, that is so fantastic! i lost my mom almost two years ago. mother's day was the last time i saw her and this time of year is particularly difficult. the number of times a week i wish i could call and ask my mom how she does something...
celebrate your moms, whether here or there. moms rock.
A wonderful page...happy moms day to all moms all over the world.
Love it:)
And better yet, just listen to mom in the first place. :-)
the only way!
Sooo true!
This is so good! I love the way you've done the background
Margaret xx
Happy Mother's Day, lori!
Your Mom must be so proud. Happy Mother's Day weekend to you also.
Love this saying, and Happy Mother's Day to you too. Linda E.
Love this sentiment.So TRUE isn't it?!!
I would love to use this on my blog.I will acknowledge you and put up a link.I think it would make lots of people smile!!
This is adorable!
I love your artwork as always, Lori. Since the powers to be have redesigned Blogspot, I don't see anyone's blogs anymore. I miss that. And what is up with that. So sorry I have not been connecting lately. Sending you hugs and love for Mother's Day weekend.
What a beautiful card for Mother's day!!! TFS! :)
Awesome Lori!!! Great advice!!!
I love this journal entry! The colors you chose are so cheery...and you lettering is lively, as always!
Have a great Mother's Day!
Always love your journal entries, lettering, & words of wisdom. But I THOUGHT it might read "If at first you don't succeed --- EAT CHOCOLATE!"
Happy Mom's Day!
Grandma Nancy Sapp
Awww... this is fantastic!!
Such an adorable way to say, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!"
I love it, THANK YOU. ((HUGS))
A Happy Mother's Day... TO YOU TOO :]
You betcha! One day, your kids will be referring to you ;-} Isn't life great? Great job!
Je viens de passer un moment merveilleux à parcourir ce BLog. Un véritable bonheur pour les yeux... Merci pour le partage. Je continuerai à suivre ces messages avec le plus grand intérêt.
Encore Merci
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