Monday, May 7, 2012

inspiration monday

life has been taking me out of my studio lately.....

and sometimes i worry about falling out of the habit of being creative.

so i'm always thankful when i come across a little tidbit of
einstein-inspiration to help keep me balanced and moving!

{supplies:  walls notebook, pitt pens, 4B graphite pencil,
derwent inktense pencils, waterbrush, uniball signo white gel pen,
white charcoal pencil


Sandi said...

I cannot imagine you not being creative even when you are not creating. hugs

Margaret said...

Another fabulous double page in your walls journal. Never seen a white charcoal pencil before. I use a white gel pen but I'm not always happy with the results. I'll have a look next time I go to art shop

Margaret xx

mama bleu said...

fabulous!! as always!!

David and Christine said...

I never knew there was a white charcoal pencil I will have to check it out. Love your creations in your Walls Notebook, I think I need one!!

Marit said...


Jeanette said...

Lori, Amazing,as always. How you are able to create each of your pages in the Walls notebook is an act of sheer creativity from deep within. Super!!! I'm now closing my mouth which has been agape...
Wishing you more continued creativity - 'cause you always have it!
xoox, Jeanette

Roben-Marie said...

I have this book and love it! Nice work here!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Awesome and really artistic how you altered the pages!

Createology said...

Lori Dear you being creative is part of your DNA. Einstein will always be brilliant and you will always be uber creative. Fabulous... said...

As always... such a pleasure!
What fun, this is a great page. :]

Dymphie said...

how clever is this! you always amaze me with your creative ideas, fabulous page Lori!

Hilla said...

so lovely and creative...and so true...also reminds me of the saying that life is like riding a bicycle...if it feels too are probably going downhill...
clearly your effort shows and all your work is uphill...

Unknown said...

Just discovered your blog, and I'm
amazed by your talent, you're making beautiful things!

rachel awes said...

waving hello to you on your bicycle...sending love through the wind xo

wv said...

you would be dangerous on the streets of new york city
streetcars of amsterdam
factory walls of brussels
sound barriers in jackosnville

remind me not to get you any more spraypaint....

Unknown said...

i just loooove your stuff!

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