Monday, June 3, 2013

inspiration monday

                    it's  downton diary time, and one thing about the Crawley family that always inspires me is the fabulous dialogue,  the "friendly banter".....

and the great advice....

given by none other than the sage of wit-and-wisdom, herself!

there's nothing better than a good dose-of-violet to get your week started right!

{this was created in my downton diary using derwent inktense pencils,
pitt pens, 6B graphite pencil, waterbrush, uniball signo white gel pen}


Anonymous said...

I think she is quite right! ;)
I love all your work, Lorie. You're an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

This journal is so much fun! I look forward to seeing what you put in it next! Thanks for sharing. :)

Lori P said...

Haha! So true and I absolutely love this idea for a journal. Beautiful work as always.

Jeanette said...

Lori! Amen to getting the week started, Violet-style! She is a hoot and I often want to capture her remarks, which are priceless. I LOVE your journal, think I need a dose o'Downton!!!
Hugs and love,

A'n'G Johnson said...

violet is definitely my favorite character. Although I just adore Maggie and everything she is in.

Kim said...

She's my favorite too. Wouldn't it be great to have a Violet in your Absolutely love this work.

Julie S said...

I love it! She's wonderful, isn't she? I love the comments she makes under her breath...or maybe not so much under. ;)

Margaret said...

Fabulous, as always, Lori! I'm not blogging for a bit, too much going on that I need to get my head around, but I can't miss your inspiration Monday posts :)
My favourite words of wisdom from Violet are "Weekend? What's a weekend?" I think it was in series one. I might have a Downton fest this week and watch all 3 series back to back, bliss

Margaret xx

fran pascazio said... it! Love Downton!

Melanie said...

Another beautyful page.
Liefs, Melanie

Melissa said...

I am a die-hard DA fan...and LOVE that you are quoting the Dowager...her humor is the best.

Martha Lever said...

You captured the Dowager perfectly!! I just love her. Great journal spread. Hope you are enjoying the mountains!! oxox

ellie said...

freaking excellent!

Createology said...

This Downton Journal will be such a hoot to review over and over again. This show is just timeless. Love how you have captured Violet's essence. Happy Week Dear...

Unknown said...

Nice touch having the but break the seam of the bubble

Unknown said...

Well I needed a touch of Downton just about now, and you are just so darned clever. Love it!

jolene said...

I just found your blog and I have to ask... How do you learn to write such perfect lettering!? It is amazing.

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