Wednesday, March 25, 2015

sleight of heart-in-hand

one thing is for sure,
no matter how hard you try to keep a date with your favorite journal,
life will conjure up reasons not to…..
until you've completely lost your creative focus.

and just when you think you're gonna have to resort to seeking out a magic wand 
and shouting "abracadabra" at the top of your lungs to find it again, 
you notice this week's DLP challenge…..

and you tell life that everything is gonna have to wait...
because you're taking a nose dive into 
the middle of your favorite journal for some well-deserved, 
and long-awaited creative time!  

here's to putting life on hold, 
and pulling a rabbit out of your creative hat. 
not because of any hocus-pocus……
but thanks to good ol' inspiration and sleight of heart-in-hand!  

{supplies for this week's DLP "focus" challenge:
wings journal, derwent inktense pencils, micron pens, 6B graphite pencil}


Linda said...

Love your page Lori. It frees me up when I see your work because it shows me that I don't have to follow everyone else with lots of layers of paint, stamps, lettering, ephemera, etc., etc. all the time for art journaling. So thank you for sharing your wonderful art work and your up beat attitude. It sure gives me a boost......Linda E.

Isabel said...

Todos sus trabajos tienen un poco de mágia! Kisses!!!

Sandi said...

lol, great page, hugs

angela said...

Uh, I'm going to have to borrow that magic wand for a minute. tee hee I'm not trying to sound too corny but your blog posts are like little "abracadabras" for me :) Thank you!

Sandi Keene said...

Lori - I love this page as it speaks to such truth that every artist faces when focus and time refuse to align. Hope you find yours soon!

fran pascazio said...

Love it!

Lynda Shoup said...

Fabulous! This strikes a chord For me. Your lettering is so beautiful and the humor makes it sparkle.

Lynda Shoup said...

Fabulous! This strikes a chord For me. Your lettering is so beautiful and the humor makes it sparkle.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Oh my gosh/ How true. ALL of it!
Love this beautiful, fanciful expression of artful truth!

Lana Manis said...

I sure could use some focus right now! Always enjoy visiting, Lori. Your talent and art are inspiring!

Createology said...

Oh my dear Lori I am so happy I have found your blog once again. My computer has been petulant and misbehaving like a two year old toddler throwing tantrums! You have no idea how I yearned for your artful inspirations! I could also use some Hocus-Pocus Focus!!! Creative Focus Bliss...

JGG said...

I hope you find more time to journal. Your blog is colorful, happy, and just the way I want to feel!!

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