Wednesday, May 27, 2015

have a seat, part two

i'm still having tons of fun
drawing and illustrating these little chairs….

and i've discovered by the time i'm finished with one chair,
i can't wait to start on the next one!
i am seriously hooked!

it's been a while since i've been able to sink my creative teeth 
into a fun project like this…..i can't tell you how good that feels!!

you can see the first three chairs in this series here!

{these chairs were inspired by one of the lessons taught by
to create these illustrations, i've cut 140lb CP watercolor paper to 6" x 6", 
and i've used watercolor, a little colored pencil, and graphite pencils}


Diane Duda said...

I never take classes like these because I'm scared I'll somehow lose my own style and not be able to get it back. Dumb, I know.
Anyway, I love Danielle's art and was already considering taking one of her classes. Your posts/chairs have convinced me. I joined this morning and am already loving it. Yay! xo Di

Createology said...

Fabulous chairs and done in your wonderful style with HeART. Creative Drawing Bliss...

Isabel said...

Beautiful project!! I love it!!!

Isabel said...

Beautiful project!! I love it!!!

Jo C said...

Hi, Lori ... I signed up for Danielle's class as soon as I saw your first chairs. I'm moving slowly through the course (due to prior class commitments) and lovin' Danielle's approach. A big thanks for mentioning the class. Your chairs are fabulous ... but where is your studious girl?

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