sending lots of sunshine and a piece of my mini-art to all of you who are enduring the bitter cold weather...a yummy, warm yellow background with snowy white lettering, and that little mr. sun doing his utmost to get those temperatures back to normal! even here in north florida, we have a forecast of 29 degrees tonight...yikes! and i know that all of you snow bunnies don't exactly feel our pain, but keep in mind that most floridians go into hibernation-mode when the temperature drops below 60 degrees! so stay warm, stay safe, snuggle with your family, crank up the electric blanket, and drink plenty of hot chocolate. i hope that soon you'll feel the warmth of the sun that's being sent your way!
Your Mr. Sun is heavenly! I am however going to send him (think of it as a pay it forward) to some other part of towm. The temps here have been in the 70s- bearable, pleasant even-but a reminder that 120 degrees isn't far away.
Thanks for the warm fuzzies. Your sun piece is heart warming on another cold day.
I needed that today. Our furnace guy is working downstairs on the furnace now. Can't be without heat in Michigan.
Your card is cute. Really cute.
Ahhh, ThankYou so much. The temp is up to 25 here and calling for the 40's tomoorow, And the sun is shinning here. Love the bright colors.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. The baby is our grandson. He's 15 months old now.
Yes, I know how hard it is to leave your comfort zone. I've done it many times. This blog thing get you out of your comfort zone. I hope you can visit my site if you have any blog questions or tech questions. I'll try to help.
Oh I am feeling warmer already! This is a great little piece. Love how you have put a shadow on those great Lori letters. Enjoyed lunch today!!
I know I'm a big ole baby when it comes to cold, but it has been freaking FREEZING here! It's going down to 8 degrees tonight!
So, thanks for the sunshine, Sunshine :-)
We really need the sunshine and warm thoughts over here!! I love your blog.
cool temperatures
warm sentiments
I love this I put it on my Blog!!!Thanks Amy
Your blog is great ..amy
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