happiness is.....sleeping late on a saturday morning.....receiving flowers just because....cooking fish without overcooking it....date night.....the sound of the ocean....my family.....time spent being creative....saying "i love you".....hearing "i love you".....opening a new box of crayons.....answered prayer....hugs from great friends.....listening to frogs sing right after a rainstorm.....being part of such a wonderfully creative blogland neighborhood (and having such great bloggy neighbors!!).....a bike ride after dinner.....hearing my kids laugh....seeing things with new perspective......feeling healthy.....a piece of dark chocolate (or two) around 3:00 in the afternoon.....living a full, very blessed life......
what's on your list of "all things happiness"?
you can learn more about this journal here in my etsy shop
edited: my sweet friend laura over at prairiepeasant just notified me that one of my journals is featured in the etsy newsletter here.....oh, yes....happiness all over the place.....yes, yes!! :)
i love this post! i myself find happiness in the smell of paint, brand new art supplies, hugs, toatsy warm covers on a chilly night, lightning bugs, my family, a nice long run, and brownie sundaes. that is just a few!
this might just be my favorite journal of yours to date! soooo lovely and fresh and fun! loved what you posted, too....so true! especially the part about NOT overcooking the fish (how did you know??) and the dark chocolate part, too!
love you, friend :)
Oh your happiness list is right on target. I would also add that happiness is:
the smell of fresh cut grass...
holding your grandchild for the very first time...
a wink from your loved one seen from across a crowded room...
the smell of fresh baked brownies...
children laughing...
oh so many more things come to mind. Love this post and the journal.
So much to be happy about! :) And I think you should add being featured today in the Etsy Finds newsletter! Congratulations!
Oh now, you know I love that! Right up my alley.
I have so many things that I find happiness in, such as, pretty much everything on your list (except the bike ride after dinner...I don't have a bike!).
watching the butterflies flittering around my flowers,
smell of coffee in the morn,
the smell of the ocean, a great song on the radio...
I could go on and on.
Hugs from TExas
WOO hoo Lori!! In the Etsy finds!!!! I think that should really be extreme happiness!! Congratulations! And yes, this happy book is GREAT!!!
what a wonderful list of happy things!!! you've brightened my day just by sharing them, lori!
my list would have to include chocolate as well plus the smell of new mown hay, the way presley greets me when i get home, the reassuring breathing of my hubbie at night and a free day to putter around in the art room!
you are!
Hi Lori!
This is such a beautiful book, but they all are!:o)
Your list is delightful!... I'd add the stillness of a night time snowfall, how everything looks like crystal after an ice storm, the beach in winter, twinkle lights, kindred spirits, and how a scent can bring back a memory. Hugs, Paulette :o)
very sweet....love the journal!
Hehe, I am happy after a supply buying spree at the craft store ;)
Congratulations on the etsy feature! how very exciting! Love this journal!!
I will have to post my own happiness list soon :) It's a long one!
Those are the cutest little lady bugs I've ever seen. Aparently sleeping in does wonders for your creativity... WOW
Yeah, breathing is something I'm reacquainting myself with now at the ripe age of almost-seventeen. I swear that's an age.."AlmostSeventeen." Ahaha. Breathing. I have to remind myself on a daily basis to breathe. But, it's there, I know it is. Thanks for the comment...You're a wonderfully happy person, yes? Explain how that works. Bahah. Maybe I'm too negative. Bahah. Maybe. Have a nice rest of the week, Noralee.
Happiness is....a clean sheet of paper to write on...a freshly sharpened pencil...a donut...when your favorite song comes on the radio at just the right moment...bonfires on early fall nights...laughing with my girlfriends...snuggling under blankets with my babies...
Happiness is...being loved for who you are not who you're "suppose" to be...
I could go on and on. What a great entry. Thanks for asking a question that makes one think of the good stuff (:
Right now: hanging in a hammock under an olive tree listening to the breaking waves just a few meters away, waiting to get hot enough to make a splash amidst the waves ...
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