here's a little sneaky peeky at what i've been working on to create such a chaotic mess in my studio! this project is for chrissie grace.....she has so graciously invited me to participate in her third book and this will be included! i'm so excited i can hardly stand it!! the book doesn't come out until next year....can't wait, can't wait!!!
have a great weekend! :)
Ooh, I don't know what it is, but I love it! Can't wait to see!
Have a great weekend!
We need to get together sometime soon!
congratulations! i look forward to seeing the complete project.
The anticipation is sometimes as much fun as having the secret revealed!
Lori--I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to add the book to my collection of art books. The project looks beautiful...whatever it is.
How wonderful!! Can't wait to see the finished product :)
Looks intriguing. Cant wait to see the whole thing. Wont it be exciting to see it in print too. :)
That's wonderful! It's amazing how people come together here in the blog world, join forces and produce their wares. Sounds like an exciting project for you. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
can't wait but i know it is going to be great!!! rock on!
U R amazing...CUTE flower and bead embellishments. Can't wait to see the grand reveal, Lori.
p.s. I'm taking Julie's class too! Registered for both courses today :)
Oh Lori! I love the little sneaky peeky! It looks beautiful! Love your stitching and the beads!! What exciting news!!! Let us know when the book comes out! Jumping up and down and clapping for you! Hugs Paulette :o)
Yep, it's adorable!
can't wait to see it in person...:)
That flower is gorgeous! I CANNOT wait to see the book!!!!!!
ooohh pretty....can't wait to see the whole thing!
Ohhh, how tantalizing :) Looking forward to seeing what you can do with this...
Can't wait to see the finished piece...it is soooo cute!!
Congrats on the book !! I know it will be great if you are contributing to it.
Awesome!! Do let us know when the book is out. Your sneak peek is very pretty. I love it so far. And thanks for the link to Chrissie's blog. I love it.
How very exciting! Glad to hear of your wonderful news, and I look forward to seeing the finished piece.
I love love love your sneaky peak!
How exciting!
Ok Lori,
We are all very very curious, holding our breaths while sitting on the edge of our chairs! The flowers are absolutely adorable. They make for a very good start to a very surprising project!...:)
More clues! More clues!
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