labor day.....a day of picnics, swimming at the beach, bike riding, family time, laughter with friends, croquet on the lawn, kodak moments, rest, firing up the barbecue, inspiration, sports, shopping, watching parades, arts and crafts fairs, using up the leftover fourth-of-july fireworks, looking forward to fall.....and, according to the fashion police, wearing your white shoes for the last time this year....enjoy!
you are doing WAY more than i've been doing with my labor day weekend - i've just been drinking coffee and hanging out in my pajamas all weekend :D
Me too, Aimee! Jammies, coffee, computer...like glue to me. (How can I not be on the computer, though, when Lori's Blog gives me great things to explore...that's what I've been doing!)
I'm right with the rest of you gals!
Nothin better than a long weekend.
Have a blessed one ! Hugs from Texas.
Me too, me too!!! Same as the rest of the girls here. Pajama party all the way!!! Hope you're having a great weekend Sweetie. I'm one of those girls who does the no white shoes or bags before Memorial day or after Labor day...the fashion police would love me! By now, it's time for a wardrobe change anyway!!!...I wonder if Stacey and Cinton follow the rules??? :oD Hugs, Paulette
It's been a wonderful weekend... I think ALL weekends should be this long!
Hi Lori! Love all these activities! I'm the same with my pj's this weekend. I've missed so much from your lovely blog since I've been away from blogland. Love your studio pics. That's how my work area looks like all the time. Your book of play is fantastic. You always create the most wonderful books. Thanks for sharing your world with us! Have a great week!
Lisa :)
Wear white shoes all year long if it makes you happy! Glad to see that you had your fill of "happy" this Labor Day weekend.
Thank you for your supportive comments. I'm so honored to have you for a follower. I'll try to live up to your example.
Beautiful labor day weekend! Finished reading my book and lounged ~ actually pretty quiet on this homefront ~ hope you enjoyed all your activities ~ Patricia xx
Labor day really marks the beginning of fall for me. It just feels like something in the air changes. I woke up yesterday, and all of the sudden, the leaves on the tree across the street had starting turning golden yellow. It's a beautiful time of year :)
Stacy and Clinton say you can wear your white shoes after Labor day..!! I say I'm with you!
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