you're smiling, aren't you. if you're looking at the artwork above, i know you're smiling...mainly because that's the effect that diane duda's artwork has on people. diane is a self-taught folk art painter who specializes in making people smile. she has a unique talent for taking a simple truth and portraying it in a manner that we can all relate to. i'm a huge fan of all of di's work, but i must admit that this piece from her "she believed" series is my favorite. so much so, that i actually own this print and it hangs front and center in my studio where i can see it every day! i mean, who could possibly resist those black tights with white polka-dots, or that sweet face filled with childish innocence?! and speaking of childish innocence...her painted bunnies have a very high cuteness factor all of their own, and her frogs are pure whimsy at its best!
i recently commented to di that i love to visit her blog because i always leave happy. see if you agree with me by visiting her blog here. and, you can find her frogs, bunnies and many other inspirations here. thanks, di...you truly inspire me!
Thanks Lori! You're too sweet. :)
hoooray for wonderful Di!!
Oh, my goodness. I absolutely {{{LOVE}}} her paintings!! I went and spent at least an hour in her etsy shop, drooling over them all! And I *really* want the 'She Believed that She Could Fly' print...because I really did believe I could when I was little!! :) Thanks for sharing amazing artists like this with us!
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