thinking about all of the things that go into a move is overwhelming. and then i realize that's my very problem....i'm thinking about it.....sometimes you've just gotta do it. so, here i go, ready for phase one, armed with a stack of recycled boxes and a roll of tape. if i don't resurface in a couple of days, please send out the rescue squad.....
Praying for you Lori.
your in my thoughts!
Hopefully you have help???
I'm an utter weirdo and coo-coo for cocoa puffs for saying this but I love moving!
Sending you lots and lots of energy your way...
packing up for a move is a gruesome task but the reward at the end of this move will surely be worth it, lori!! thinking of you and sending hugs and best wishes for a fast recovery for your sore muscles.
Try not to think of the work of moving. Think of the end result...how happy you will be when you are actually in your new home and all your things around you. It will be a "good thing"!!
Heres to a bright new future!!
It can be a good time to review and take stock of everything accumulated, to purge and start fresh! It will all be over soon enough, and the reward will make it all worthwhile.
Oh, I remember moving! We've moved several times and learned so much each time. And that whole "stop thinking and Just DO it" is a postive step, Girlfriend!
Good luck with it...
a small bowl of pastas
a medium shave of reggiano
perhaps, a large glass of tuscan wine
need i go on?
oh gosh Lori!! I'll be thinking of you! I know soooo well all that work you'll be doing. But I'm so super excited for you to be in your new house. hooooray!!!!
Maybe moving is a metaphor for life (and Nike) - Just Do It! So easy to say, so hard to do sometimes. Hope you're getting tons accomplished. (Also glad that the knitting link will be passed along.) And, by the way, love that calendar of yours!
YOu are so amazing. How do you keep up with your art and move an entire house at the same time! Your energy and motivation just amazes me!!
We are all pulling for you. If we were all there with you, we'd help you pack and move...LOL! I love helping people set up a new house. So much fun!
In the end, it will be soooo worth it. Stay focused and look to the end product!
:) Presious aka Lori
Good luck with your move~!
Patricia :)
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